The world of British television off and on the screen, as it was sixty years ago.

Author Archive: Simon Coward

All the Journalists, from Aynsley to Zec

The Daily Express‘s reviewers have varying opinions about the different programmes they watched last night. Cyril Aynsley thought that Irene Worth “gave a brilliant, searing performance as the nurse in list night’s television version of Somerset Maugham’s play, The Sacred Flame“. He goes on to describe the tale as a “terribly intimate story [which] tells of a young man crippled in a plane crash, his wife’s deepening affection for his brother, his nurse’s unspoken love for him [and] his mother’s compassion which could lead her to a mercy killing.” “Grim, stuff… but brilliantly, brilliantly done,” is his verdict. (more…)

In the News is in the News

It’s Sunday, and there’s finally some time to sit down and read this week’s TV Page in The Stage

The biggest headlines are reserved for the news that the new European television stations and broadcasters which are opening up are providing many British variety artists with work. Ted Ray has been invited by Margot Hielscher to appear with her on German television while Monty Norman and Diana Coupland are off to the continent for a tour and spots on French and Italian TV. (more…)

Not the Comfy Chair

Various papers note that the Wireless Telegraphy (Blind Persons) Bill was read in parliament for a second time on Friday 8th.

The Express‘s Aynsley Angle column carries behind-the-scenes gossip related to the panel game One of the Family. Apparently, the chairman, Franklin Engelmann, has been ordered not to mention the discomfort of the chair in which guests sit. (more…)

Months of Sundays

Another Sunday, this time 3 July 1955. With neither cricket nor tennis to bolster the schedule, it looks rather bare. The children have a Rex Tucker play – “The Watch” – while the grown-ups get an Anthony Steven play, based on a novel published in 1954 and written by Maurice Edelman. This is “A Dream of Treason” and stars John Robinson, Jill Bennett and Arthur Young; Ian Atkins produces. The story centres on a Foreign Office official, Martin Lambert (Robinson) who is instructed by his superiors to betray a cabinet paper to a French newspaper. (more…)