The world of British television off and on the screen, as it was sixty years ago.

High Drama

According to The Guardian’s Radio Critic, the 14-day rule was the topic of discussion on last night’s In The News, chaired by Dingle Foot. RC records that none of the four speakers – Mr Derek Walker-Smith, Mr Gerald Nabarro, Mr Hector McNeil and Mr George Woodcock – had anything to say in favour of the ban although “the speakers failed to develop their arguments as far or as quickly as was possible.”

The Daily Express carries on its front page news of an accident on the roof of Adastral House, a former Air Ministry building being prepared for becoming the headquarters of Associated-Rediffusion.

The paper records that 23-year-old Christopher McClure was injured by a 3″ nail fired from a nail gun. Apparently the gun went off accidentally the nail shot through an open window straight into Mr McClure’s shoulder. He was taken to Charing Cross Hospital and his wound, which was not considered serious, was dressed. Nevertheless Mr McClure was kept in overnight, in case of shock.

When commentators have expressed concern over the danger of introducing commercial television to the UK, that probably wasn’t the kind of thing they were thinking of.

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