The world of British television off and on the screen, as it was sixty years ago.

Monthly Archive: June 1955

The Blame Game

Television gets blamed for all manner of things, sometimes reasonably, sometimes ridiculously. On Wednesday, 29 June 1955, the Daily Express reports that the British Transport Commission, which were then responsible for running the railways, were in the red to the tune of £11,900,000 because of “rocketing costs and fewer passengers.” Passenger journeys were down by 1.3%. Why? Because of new housing, the growth of private motoring and television.


Co-Axial to Kent

These won’t always be daily, but I figured I should put in an effort, early doors. So, Friday 24 June 1955…

The Times reports that in Parliament, James Callaghan (Lab, Cardiff South East) said that workers “were more ready to down tools because of the long hours being worked through overtime.” He added, “Men were working overtime to pay instalments on television sets which they had no time to look at.”


The Man With No Organ

23 June 1955, a Thursday. This means that there’s a new issue of The Stage to look at. Fortunately, after months where their television coverage was usually restricted to a maximum of half-a-page, they’ve seen sense and we have a whole “TV Page” in this edition. Let’s hope it’s not a one-off. This time round it’s mainly interested in what’s happening at the new ITV companies. (more…)

Starting Somewhere…

It’s 22 June 1955, the longest day of the year. If you believe some newspapers, the five-week old dock strike has ended. They’re more consistent with other news: Ruth Ellis has been sentenced to death for killing David Blakely, and a schoolboy has run off with a games mistress. But we’re not here for this kind of thing, oh no. The only news we’ll be looking at here relates to what’s happening in the word of television: 1950s style. So let’s go…
